Troop Meeting June 6th


Troop Meeting June 6th


Service Patrol is Nameless


Gathering:  Football – Jimmy D

Claim Jumper Planning – Break out into Claimjumper patrols

  • Patrol Name and cheer
  • Campfire skit, song and cheer
  • Gear and who is bringing what
  • Strategy
  • Review rules



  1.      Claim Jumper payment $20 and Permission Slips 
  2. Summer camp Merit Badge choices John A, Lucas, Justin, Tyler M, Chris R, Ben, Alex, Cameron still need to pick your MBs
  3. White Buffalo candidates will be interviewed: Jared, Chris, Cory, Paul, Connor
  4. 2017 Philmont meeting for those interested in attending with Jason Crosby


Who borrowed the turkey barrel to cook a turkey in a barrel with charcoal?


Yours in Scouting


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