Troop 286 Meeting Plan 10/7 & Beyond
Hello Troop,
Weather permitting, this week the below scouts will do their Tenderfoot Physical Fitness requirement. They will repeat it in 1 month and hopefully show improvement. Those Scouts should wear comfortable clothing (uniform not required) and sneakers:
6a. Record your best in the following tests:
• Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
• Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
• Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
• 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)
Gathering Activity: paper air plane by Jack, Ryan & Cameron
Opening Flags & Announcements
Patrol corners: paper air plane revision time & advancement
Closing Flags & Announcements
Popcorn info: Take Orders that are due October 24 to Tom Duffy. Delivery of popcorn is 11/15, money is due December 1st.
Next campout: RSVP ASAP Last Chance
October 25-27 is the Herkimer Campout. This will be a tent camping trip. The Geology Merit badge is offered at Herkimer on Saturday, October 26. We will be eating breakfast, lunch & dinners at our campsite. The merit badge cost is $40 per scout and $10 adults/other family members mining with the group. There will be food costs as well. Once we have a headcount we’ll let you know the price for the weekend. It will be approximately $75-$100. Sign up right away if you want to to go! I need final headcount at tomorrow’s meeting. This is who is signed up so far: Daniel & David Lever, Jeffrey & Erik Berner, Oliver & Sebastian Woods and Mrs. Mayback.
Don’t forget to advertise and sell tickets for our latest Fundraiser:
October 14: no Scout meeting (no school)
October 21: Halloween party wear a costume for a chance at a prize, games, woodburning craft, bring snacks to share and we’ll have a fun night!
October 28: we are having our meeting at Church of Nativity United Church of Christ at 1530 Colvin Blvd, Tonawanda 14223 at 7pm-8:30pm. We will be cleaning out a storage room and it will count toward community service time that every Scout needs.
Yours In Scouting,
Kelly Mayback
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