Harkness Center Tour 10/17

Hi everyone, On Tuesday 10/17/17 we have the following.


Ø  I just want to remind all of you of the school tour I have planned for all of the troop as well as your families and friends.

Ø  The tour this time is at, The Harkness Career and Technical Center. 99 Aero Dr. Cheektowaga.

Ø  The tour will begin at 6:30 pm. I have 7 instructors that have volunteered to be there to give you an introduction to their programs. The principals have volunteered to be there also to run the tour and ask questions.

Ø  Shops on the tour include, auto mechanics, electrical shop, aviation with the flight simulators, culinary, cosmetology and many others.

Ø  For those scouts taking the electrical MB, this is a must to attend. When you are in the electrical shop, you will be working with tools, splicing wires and wiring devices. Seeing how a wall is electrically roughed, inside electrical panels and fire alarm components.

Ø  The electrical instructor with be assisting.

Ø  This is a full uniform event. Let’s make a great impression, so I can have us all back on a larger field trip. That will include a tour of Prior Aviation. Which is right next door !!!

Ø  Plan for at least 2 hrs. We will start on time. You can arrive as early as 6:15. Jake and I will be there at 6.

Ø  Please park in the lot to the right of the school and walk to the main entrance. I will meet you all there.


Yours in Scouting

Mike Sosnowski

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