
1/22 Troop Meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Service Patrol: Mongoose

Gathering Activity: PLC show up at 6:45 (7:00-7:15) The Eight Knot Contest – Bowline, Timber Hitch, Two Half Hitches, Square Knot, Sheep Shank, Taunt-Line Hitch, Sheet Bent, Clove Hitch – SCOUTS PRACTICE KNOTS BEFORE MEETING

Opening: (7:15) Normal

Patrol Corners: (7:25-7:35) Klondike Participants – Patrol Name, Yell, Menu Planning and Flag, Advancements for Everyone Else

Merit Badge: (7:35 – 8:10) (Tentative) Communications with Mr. Scholerb

Skill Instruction: (7:35-8:10) Knots, Lashings and Gateway Construction

Pre-Closing Cleanup: (8:10-8:15)

Closing: (End The Meeting At 8:30)


· GNFC news on 1/31/18 Sky Zone jump event for selling $1,500 or more in popcorn. $4,000 Sellers Prize Vault happening also that night.

· Troop is now accepting empty ink cartridges to recycle and make $$$

Troop 286 Meeting Plan

Happy New Year!

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Service Patrol: Mongoose (Arrive at 6:45pm to Shovel)


Gathering Activity:  Human Knot (Phil Callari and Chris Reardon arrive @6:45pm)

Opening: Uniform Inspection

Patrol Corners: Advancements

Merit Badge: Communications (Mr. Schloerb) A special guest (Chelsea Siecczkarek) has agreed to come and teach the Scouts sign language

Skill Instruction: Second Half of Physical Fitness (For Tenderfoot Scouts)

Closing: Normal Closing


  • An 11-year-old young man and family could be coming to see what scouting is all about.
  • Arrow of Light Scouts from 529 could be coming to take part in meeting activities.
  • UB Bulls Scout Day Basketball game offer $10 tickets for 1/13/17 see attached flyer for information.  If we have the interest we can attend.
  • Sign up Sheets will be available for many more activities.

2018 Klondike of Yesteryear $25.00 Troop 286 cost

  • Troop cost $25.00
  • Sign up by 1/15/18
  • Reply to this email to sign up
  • Information below, for the most information download leaders guide with link below

’18 Klondike of Yesteryear


Relive the fun of an old fashion Klondike!

Traditional games * Best mustache * Best beard

Old fashioned campsite gateways

Obstacle course and more

Program Guide | Download

After 1/18/2018 a fee of $5.00 will apply.

Troop 286 Holiday Party

Troop 286 Holiday Party



!!!Requesting Holiday Snack From All Families!!!

No Uniforms





·       Cookie Decorating

·       Ugly Sweaters welcome

·       Christmas Carols

A group of Troop 286 Eagle Scouts have a message for the Troop.

12/4 Meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Service Patrol: Golden Doughnuts

Gathering Activity: Tarp Island (Tyler Hamblen, John Abramo)

Opening: Normal Opening

Patrol Corners: Advancements

Merit Badge: Communications (Mr. Schloerb)

Skill Instruction: Scout Physical Fitness Requirements (Tenderfoot Scouts)

Closing: Normal Closing

Troop Information:

· Popcorn money is due

· Scout dues of $125 are due

· Please let us know if you want Boy’s Life @ an extra cost (last year $12)

· Sign in when you arrive to see Maureen Dahlke, Troop Treasurer, this will be on a first come first serve basis


Troop Meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


(Board of Review)

Service Patrol: Eagles

Gathering Activity: Mumball (Phil Callari, Chris Reardon to Arrive @ 6:45)

Opening: Normal Opening

Patrol Corners: Advancements,

Merit Badge: None

Skill Instruction: Mapping With A Compass (Cole Marcotte, Chris Reardon, Connor Gilmartin, Tyler Hamblen)

Closing: Normal Closing


Upcoming Payments

Popcorn payments due no later than 12/4/17.
Troop dues of $125 will be due 12/4/17, and can be taken from popcorn earnings.
We may have a bowling out meeting on 11/27/17 PLC is planning this event information to follow.
Buffalo Escape Room is scheduled for 12/9/17 @ 7:00 PM located on Payne Ave in North Tonawanda cost $20 per person.

November 6 Troop Meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Service Patrol Eagles

Gathering Activity: How to utilize a compass (Cole M, John A, Tristan S Gentleman arrive at 6:45 pm)

Opening: Normal

Patrol Corners: Advancements, finish patrol flags


Merit Badge: Electricity with Mike Sosnowski

Skills Instruction: Utilizing a map and compass together (Cole M, Tyler H)

Closing: How is our clean-up process going


Toronto Payment Due $125

Toronto agenda:

Staying at Camp Nemo, Baden Powell Lodge, Burlington ON
Taking GO Train to union St Sat am
Ripleys Aquarium 1st stop 10am
CN Tower
Hockey HOF
Richtree Restaurant
Back to union St and GO Train back to burlington
More detailed information coming out today
Scouts will need boarder crossing letter from parent
Everything coming in email later this weekend

Halloween Fun Night

Troop 286 Meeting Plan

Service Patrol Everyone

Halloween Fun Night (No Uniforms, appropriate costumes are allowed but not required). We are requesting drinks and snacks from our troop membership.

Opening: Normal

Meeting Activities:

· Patrol Pumpkin Carving contest (James Greene reminder to bring pumpkins)

· Costume Contest

· Snacks


Upcoming payments
Toronto $125 (November 6)
Chicago $200 ($120 deposit by November 6)
Friends of Mike B $40
Popcorn Prizes we need to know your scouts choice
Reminder: Arrival time for meetings is 7:00 pm, from meeting to meeting individual scouts will be requested to arrive @ 6:45 pm to set up gathering activities for entire troop of over 35 scouts. Please arrive @ 7:00 so that the gathering activities can be effectively set up for everyone.

10/23 meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Committee Meeting

Service Patrol: Pancake Squad

Gathering Activity: Paper Tower Building (Connor G arrive @ 6:45pm)

Opening: Uniform Check Troop Leadership


Merit Badge: Electricity, Mr Sosnowski would like to meet with 5 scouts for ½ hour to get them up to speed.

Skills Instruction: Lashings Tripod and Square (Tyler H, and Cole M)

Closing: Introduction of Troop 286 leadership positions


ILST Information:


Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. Its Sunday October 29th at GNFC HQ. Its most of the day and times to be announced. Cost is $5 for lunch (pizza). Limited to 36 scouts. Register Here

Harkness Center Tour 10/17

Hi everyone, On Tuesday 10/17/17 we have the following.


Ø  I just want to remind all of you of the school tour I have planned for all of the troop as well as your families and friends.

Ø  The tour this time is at, The Harkness Career and Technical Center. 99 Aero Dr. Cheektowaga.

Ø  The tour will begin at 6:30 pm. I have 7 instructors that have volunteered to be there to give you an introduction to their programs. The principals have volunteered to be there also to run the tour and ask questions.

Ø  Shops on the tour include, auto mechanics, electrical shop, aviation with the flight simulators, culinary, cosmetology and many others.

Ø  For those scouts taking the electrical MB, this is a must to attend. When you are in the electrical shop, you will be working with tools, splicing wires and wiring devices. Seeing how a wall is electrically roughed, inside electrical panels and fire alarm components.

Ø  The electrical instructor with be assisting.

Ø  This is a full uniform event. Let’s make a great impression, so I can have us all back on a larger field trip. That will include a tour of Prior Aviation. Which is right next door !!!

Ø  Plan for at least 2 hrs. We will start on time. You can arrive as early as 6:15. Jake and I will be there at 6.

Ø  Please park in the lot to the right of the school and walk to the main entrance. I will meet you all there.


Yours in Scouting

Mike Sosnowski

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