1/22 Troop Meeting
Troop 286 Meeting Plan
Service Patrol: Mongoose
Gathering Activity: PLC show up at 6:45 (7:00-7:15) The Eight Knot Contest – Bowline, Timber Hitch, Two Half Hitches, Square Knot, Sheep Shank, Taunt-Line Hitch, Sheet Bent, Clove Hitch – SCOUTS PRACTICE KNOTS BEFORE MEETING
Opening: (7:15) Normal
Patrol Corners: (7:25-7:35) Klondike Participants – Patrol Name, Yell, Menu Planning and Flag, Advancements for Everyone Else
Merit Badge: (7:35 – 8:10) (Tentative) Communications with Mr. Scholerb
Skill Instruction: (7:35-8:10) Knots, Lashings and Gateway Construction
Pre-Closing Cleanup: (8:10-8:15)
Closing: (End The Meeting At 8:30)
· GNFC news on 1/31/18 Sky Zone jump event for selling $1,500 or more in popcorn. $4,000 Sellers Prize Vault happening also that night.
· Troop is now accepting empty ink cartridges to recycle and make $$$