
Meeting Plan 12/16 at 7pm

Meeting Plan 12/16 at 7pm

Troop dues and registration are due. We are also collecting non pershables for the Blessed Sacrament

Troop Holiday Party! Please wear your favorite holiday attire and you can bring a snack to share. There will be a nacho bar, cocoa, games and more!

No Scouts December 23.

December 30 – out meeting is at Urban Air $27 per person. Let Mrs. Mayback know if you’re attending. Payment will be collected at Urban Air.

Next Meeting is January 6th.

Winter Klondike January 25-26 @ Scouthaven – sign up today! We will be staying in Safari Lodge. The cost is $30/person.

Kelly Mayback

Meeting Plan 12/2 at 7pm

Meeting Plan 12/2 at 7pm

Gathering Activity helping Tenderfoot requirements one mile run/walk, pushups, situps, sit & reach for Daniel L, Jeffery B, Sean T, Timmy L, Gavin C, Jackson S, Jayden G. These scouts do not require a uniform this week. Please come dressed for the physical activity. 

Flags & Announcements 

Patrol Corners: Advancements 

Closing Flags & Announcements:

We are collecting non perishables until December 16 for the Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry. 

Evan M has 16 boxes of the 6pk butter microwave popcorn for $12 available to purchase.  Please email Josh Mee if you’re interested in buying: 


The Troop has some popcorn available for purchase. Email/text Tom Duffy if you are interested. 

6 – popping corn

3 – Bills tins

5 – Caramel Corn

2 – trail mix

3 – cashews

5 – White Cheddar bag

Looking ahead:

Dec 9 & 16 meetings we are collecting non perishables for the Blessed Sacrament pantry.

December 16 is the Troop Holiday Party. Please wear your favorite Holiday attire & you can bring a delicious snack to share. There will be a Nacho bar & cocoa.

ADK: Lake Placid & Old Forge Nov 8-11

November 8-11 we are going on the most excellent adventure for a “small city trip.”

Accommodations: Massawepie Scout Camp on Massawepie Rd, Tupper Lake, NY 12986. It is appropriately a 5 hr drive so we will arrive there late. We will leave from Blessed Sacrament on Friday, November 8th. The cabins will be approximately $25/person, depending on how many sign up.

You will need to cover food purchases on the way to camp and coming home.

Food: $25/person to cover snacks at camp, 3 breakfasts, 2 lunches and one dinner.

Saturday Nov 9th we will have breakfast at camp, pack a lunch, then head to The Wild Center at 45 Museum Drive, Tupper Lake, NY 12986. It is 18 mins from camp. It is a free admission day 10am-5pm so we are taking advantage! We are setting this whole day aside for The Wild Center because it’s fabulous and so much to do! We will have dinner at camp.

Sunday, Nov 10th we will have breakfast at camp, pack a lunch and head to The Olympic Center in Lake Placid at 2634 Main Street, Lake Placid, NY 12946. It is an hour drive. We will be able to take a tour, ice skate and see where our US Olympians train! I am working on a price with them but it will be similar to this: ice skating $10/person and a tour $15/person. There is a gift shop. We will be having dinner at Roamers Cafe at the Olympic Center. This dinner you will pay on your own. This is the menu (dinner is appropriately $20/person): the https://lakeplacidolympiccenter.com/roamers-cafe/
We will head back to camp for the rest of the evening.

Monday, Nov 11th we will have breakfast, pack up and head out to the Old Forge Hardware store at 104 Fulton St, Old Forge, NY 13420. It is open 8am-5pm. It is an hour and 45 mins to get there. If you have been to Viddlers in East Aurora, this similar but more! This store is on a street teaming with gift shops and more. You will cover your own purchases at the stores. Afterwards, we will take the 4 hour drive home.

We will need adults to go with us. Gas & tolls will be added to the per person rate and reimbursed to each driver.

If you want to go please respond to this email. The Adirondack region is gorgeous and should be experienced.

Questions or Concerns? Email me please

Yours In Scouting,
Kelly Mayback
Scoutmaster Troop 286

No Meeting October 14

Just a reminder there is NO meeting tomorrow Monday, October 14. It is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. No school,  no scouts. 

Next Meeting is October 21. We will be having a Halloween party. Bring a board game, a snack to share and costumes are encouraged.  There will be a costume contest, games and a wood burning craft. 

Popcorn info: Take Orders that are due October 24 to Tom Duffy. Delivery of popcorn is 11/15, money is due December 1st. 

Yours In Scouting, 

Kelly Mayback 

Troop 286 Meeting Plan 10/7 & Beyond

Hello Troop,

Weather permitting, this week the below scouts will do their Tenderfoot Physical Fitness requirement.  They will repeat it in 1 month and hopefully show improvement. Those Scouts should wear comfortable clothing (uniform not required) and sneakers:








6a. Record your best in the following tests:
 • Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
 • Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
 • Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
 • 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)

Gathering Activity: paper air plane  by Jack, Ryan & Cameron

Opening Flags & Announcements 

Patrol corners:  paper air plane revision time & advancement 

Closing Flags & Announcements 

Popcorn info: Take Orders that are due October 24 to Tom Duffy. Delivery of popcorn is 11/15, money is due December 1st. 

Next campout: RSVP ASAP Last Chance

October 25-27 is the Herkimer Campout. This will be a tent camping trip. The Geology Merit badge is offered at Herkimer on Saturday, October 26. We will be eating breakfast, lunch & dinners at our campsite. The merit badge cost is $40 per scout and $10 adults/other family members mining with the group. There will be food costs as well. Once we have a headcount we’ll let you know the price for the weekend. It will be approximately $75-$100.  Sign up right away if you want to to go! I need final headcount at tomorrow’s meeting. This is who is signed up so far: Daniel & David Lever, Jeffrey & Erik Berner, Oliver & Sebastian Woods and Mrs. Mayback. 

Don’t forget to advertise and sell tickets for our latest Fundraiser:


October 14: no Scout meeting (no school)

October 21: Halloween party wear a costume for a chance at a prize, games, woodburning craft, bring snacks to share and we’ll have a fun night!

October 28: we are having our meeting at Church of Nativity United Church of Christ at 1530 Colvin Blvd, Tonawanda 14223 at 7pm-8:30pm. We will be cleaning out a storage room and it will count toward community service time that every Scout needs. 

Yours In Scouting,

Kelly Mayback 

Kelly Mayback is now Scoutmaster of T286

1st Meeting of the year is 9/9/24 at 7pm

Meeting Plan:

1.) Gathering Activity

2.) Opening Flags & Announcements

3.) Code of Conduct – see attachment

4.) Scouts vote for a new Senior Patrol Leader – if you want to run for senior patrol leader, please be prepared to address the Troop.  You must be First Class or higher in rank. Please be in your Class A uniform if you want to run for SPL.

5.) Closing & Announcements

September 20-24, 2024 is our first campout of the scout year.  There will be a sign up sheet. It is the Harvestfest Camporee at Lincoln Park.  The whole program is based the Sustainability Merit Badge.  This will be tent camping.  It’s a Camporee 2 years in the making. There is be a “local chopped” box that each Troop will receive and will have time to create their dish for a cookoff.  This will be our dinner Saturday night.  All local foods!  The cost is $30 per person. Money due 9/16/24.  If you need to plan a menu, shop & cook for your new rank, please approach me at the meeting so we can make a plan.  I will need a head count by Thursday 9/12 or the price increases by $5 per person.  I apologize for the short notice.

Popcorn Order Forms will be available from Tom Duffy.

Lastly, I am very excited to be your next Scoutmaster of Troop 286!  We will still have Mr. Dahlke and Mr. Oetinger and Mr. Price as your Assistant Scoutmasters.  We are excited to welcome back everyone to the Troop tomorrow night and a few new scouts!  Please help me in welcoming them and making them feel at home.

Yours In Scouting,Kelly Mayback

Scoutmaster Troop 286

Troop 286 Activity Planning Meeting for 2024 -25 Scouting Year 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Troop 286 Activity Planning Meeting for 2024 -25 Scouting Year


·       Each Scout and adult who plans on attending summer camp needs a BSA Annual Medical Health Form filled in by a physician to be admitted to camp!  Below is a link to the form.

·       https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_AB.pdf?_gl=1*ty7kmj*_gcl_au*MTIzOTI1NzM1NC4xNzE1OTc3Mjgw*_ga*NzIzMjUwNTUwLjE2NzAxNTc5ODY.*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTcxOTEzODMwMC4xNi4xLjE3MTkxMzgzMzMuMC4wLjA.*_ga_61ZEHCVHHS*MTcxOTEzODMwMC4xMC4xLjE3MTkxMzgzMzMuMjcuMC4w&_ga=2.52744552.1950522541.1719138300-723250550.1670157986

Troop 286,

Details for Monday’s Meeting:

1.       No Uniforms wear your favorite scout t-shirt

2.       Meeting will be outside if possible (weather)

3.       7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

4.       Each Scout should come with a plan for a campout, out meeting or other activities to fill our activities for next year

5.       Big City Plan for 2024/2025 we will choose between Washington, Boston and Philadelphia.  Each Scout should arrive with their own choice and Mr. Dahlke will come to each Scout to ask their preference.

6.       Mrs. Mayback has some exciting thoughts about next year’s activities as well.

Yours in Scouting


Meeting Plan for 4/22/24

Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:

·        Mum ball!

Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm:

Patrol Corners: 7:30 pm 7:45 pm: 

·       What is the Claimjumper Campout?

·       How to prepare (can’t just show up)

o   Site set up

o   Site improvements (scout skills lashings)

o   Cooking (what are you going to use)

o   First aid scenario

o   Teamwork

o   Playing the game and how to perform well?

o   Compounded interest on your gold??????

Merit badge: 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm Citizenship in Community with Mr Dahlke

Scouts not taking merit badge advancement/Scout skills.

8:15 pm: Closing

3/11/24 Meeting Plan

3/11/24 Meeting Plan

Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:  Musical Chairs

Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm:  Uniform Check

Patrol Corners 7:30 pm – 7:45 pm:  Advancements

Teaching 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm How to light a lightweight stove

Merit Badge:  7:30 pm – 8:15 pm:  Citizenship in Community with Mr. Dahlke

Closing  8:15 pm:

Troop Meeting Plan 2/26/24

Important Update:

·       We must attend and care for the Troop supplies in the storeroom taken to the no-sledding campout.

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:

·       Whipping a rope for yourself and tying knots

Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm: General Opening

Merit badge: 7:30 pm – 8:15 pm Complete citizenship in society.


8:15 pm – 8:30 pm Closing

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