
Mondays meeting

Tomorrow’s meeting is for planning the claimjumper. Patrols will stratigize and pull their patrol gear. Patrol leaders will take their patrol gear home with them that night and be responsible for getting it to camp and home after the Claimjumper. Gear will be returned to the troop cleaned at the next meeting.

Please bring $20 and permission slip to this meeting if you have not already turned them in.
Will Crosby is planning a scouts own service for Saturdays camfire. Please bring any readings, poems or songs with the theme friendship and sportsmanship.
The patrols were picked by the patrol leaders with careful consideration of age, experience and who they work well with. Example, 2 of the Dywans are new and have never played the game. They are in separate patrols. Changes can be made but only by the patrol leaders at or before the meeting on Monday
Fox Patrol
Matt McGinniss – PL
Zach Archibald
John Dywan
Tyler Hamblen
Joe Kuschke
John Kuschke
Tyler LaPorta
Jeff Randle
Conner Gillmartin
TTCKA Patrol
Eric Brylinski – PL
Conner Shubert
Nathan Whalen
Cory Pietrzyk
Kellen Adamek
Cammeron Williams
Jordan Dywan
Paul Orrange
Trevor Jones
No Name Patrol
Will Crosby – PL
Josh Korman
Colin Archibald
Jimmy Dahlke
Matt Sternin
Mike McGinniss
Jared Dywan
Ben Thurston
Dana Whalen
Yours in Scouting



Claim jumper


Next weeks meeting will be focused on planning for claimjumper. Patrols will stratigize and pull their patrol gear. Patrol leaders will take their patrol gear home with them that night and be responsible for getting it to camp and home after the Claimjumper. Gear will be returned to the troop cleaned at the next meeting. Please bring $20 and permission slip to this meeting if you have not already turned them in.

The patrols were picked by the patrol leaders with careful consideration of age, experience and who they work well with. Example, 2 of the Dywans are new and have never played the game. They are in separate patrols. Changes can be made but only by the patrol leaders at or before the meeting on Monday

Fox Patrol
Matt Mcginniss – PL
Zach Archibald
John Dywan
Tyler Hamblen
Joe Kuschke
John Kuschke
Tyler LaPorta
Jeff Randle
Conner Gillmartin

TTCKA Patrol
Eric Brylinski – PL
Conner Shubert
Nathan Whalen
Cory Pietrzyk
Chris Reardon
Cammeron Williams
Jordan Dywan
Paul Orrange
Trevor Jones

No Name Patrol
Will Crosby – PL
Josh Korman
Colin Archibald
Jimmy Dahlke
Matt Sternin
Mike McGinniss
Jared Dywan
Ben Thurston
Dana Whalen

Yours in Scouting



Mondays meeting

Monday’s Meeting May 5th
Gathering: Build Egg Drop box – Conner
Patrol Corners: Build Egg Drop box – Conner
Program: Lashing – Conner, Will
Program: Drop the Eggs in the Box – which patrol’s will survive?
MB: First Aid – Dan
No Committee Meeting – Jason

Zombie Apocalypse Camporeee – $20 payment plus $7 t-shirt and Permission Slips
Pre unsold Camp Cards as sale is coming to an end


BOTTLE and CAN DRIVE: Boy Scout Troop 286 Fundraising Opportunity. Scouts have 2 opportunities to earn $ for their Scout accounts.

On Sunday, May 3, Scouts and parents will meet in the Hamilton Elementary parking lot on 44 Westfall at 12 noon. Scouts will be given routes in the area to pass out flyers door to door informing the community of our Can and Bottle Drive.


On Saturday, May 10, Scouts and their parents will meet at 10 a.m. in the St. Amelia’s parking lot. Routes will be handed out to the Scouts and their parents to pick up bags of cans and bottles. Collected cans and bottles will be taken to Bottle Junction on the corner of Colvin and Brighton to be put in the Troop’s account.

What ever $ is made will be divided among the Scouts that participate. Scouts are welcome to participate on 1 or both days. Parents need to be with their Scouts for supervision.


Sat May 10 – Postal Food Drive 10am to 12 – Need driver and scouts to drive routes and pickup food bags from house for Brighton Church Food Pantry. If you can help please let me know ASAP as church needs to know by May 1st





Next couple of weeks


Wow we have a lot of activities over next 2 weeks:

Wed April 23rd, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm – Summer Camp Swim Tests at Sweet Home High School. Tell them you are with T286 and they will be keep a special list for us and we are going out of council for summer camp. For those that took the swim test at NT, let me know so I can get you added to that list.

Sat April 26th 10am to 8pm – Camp Card Sale at Galleria Mall for those that signed up. Linda Sternin has sent email to those participating with your shift information

Sat April 26th 9am to 12 – Canal Cleanup at 987 Sweenney Street. Bring gloves. Hot Dog lunch afterward – Signed up are Thurston (3), Hall, Dywan. Mark Oetinger Coordinating 689-4571 or markoetinger@verizon.net

Sat April 26th 8am to 12 – Bornhava Pre-School cleanup at 25 Chateau Terr, Amherst NY, 14226. Bring gloves and leaf rake. Hot Dogs for lunch. Dan Dahlke coordinating onedownatatime@roadrunner.com or call 868-6191

Sun April 27th 12 noon – Complete Swimming MB at Tonawanda Aquatic Center for C Williams, T Jones, L Hicks, T Hamlin, M Sternin. Dan Dahlke is teaching.

Mon April 28th 6:30pm to 8:30pm – Tonawanda Aquatics Center Swim Night – Cost is about $4. Conner Shubert Coordinating

Fri May 2 Bison game and campout – Coke a Cola Field. Click here is info. Sign up by Out Meeting on Aquatics Center with Dan Dahlke

Sat May 10 – Postal Food Drive 10am to 12 – Need driver and scouts to drive routes and pickup food bags from Brighton Church Food Pantry. If you can help please let me know ASAP as church needs to know by May 1st

Yours in Scouting




Hello everyone,

Since we do not have a meeting tonight I had to send this e-mail to everyone.
We have the service hour opportunity this Sat April 26, 2014 8am-noon at Bornhava Pre-School, 25 Chateau Terr, Amherst NY, 14226. Here are the details.

contact Mr Dahlke at onedownatatime@roadrunner.com or call 868-6191 to sign up as no sign up sheet was available
Bornhava is close to Main St and Harlem in Amherst
8am till noon with a hot dog lunch at noon
Bring a rake if you have one and work gloves
We will rake and clean the playgrounds
Scouts this is a great chance for service hours for advancement I will track all hours worked and submit to troop for tracking

Thank You
Dan Dahlke



Mondays meeting

Camp Cards are still available, Linda Sternin will have them at the meeting tomorrow. Scouts can sell them for $5 each, and make a profit of $2 for each card sold. Selling will continue through the month of April.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Troop 286 Scoutmaster
Date: Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:06 PM
Subject: Monday’s Meeting 4/7


Monday’s Meeting 4/7 will be out only meeting in April due to Spring Break

Gathering: NY City-guess the landmark from a picture – Matt S
Patrol Corners: NYC Trip – Dan
Program: 3Rs of personnel safety (Req 9c) – Conner, Will, Zach
MB: First Aid – Dan
Committee Meeting – Jason

Note – April 28rh Out Meeting will be swimming at Tonawanda Aquatics Center

Yours in Scouting







Mondays Meeting March 24th will be:

Gathering: Mum Ball: Conner & Zach
1) NY City Parent Meeting: Dan Dalke & Linda Sternin
2) Order of the Arrow Elections – Scouting’s Honor Society
3) Map & Compass: Zach & Conner
MB: Cycling: Jason Crosby

Out Meeting: Sky Zone Payment $13. This will be on Tuesday April 1st at 6:30pm. There will be no troop meeting March 31st.
Summer Camp deposits are due

Special Honors:
Dan Dalhke has been awarded the District Award of Merit and Jason Crosby has been been awarded the Silver Beaver for their efforts in scouting. These are the highest awards the district and the council can award to scouting volunteers. If you would like to see them receive their awards, please let me know, and we will make reservations. This is primarlily for adults but some scouts attend and is a non uniform activity. Congrats Dan & Jason. Well deserved!!!

Council Volunteer Recognition Dinner details
Cost $29 per person
Location: Millennium Hotel Buffalo
Check-in begins at 5:15 pm
Reception and Cash Bar 5:30 to 6:15 pm
Dinner begins at 6:30 pm


Silver Beaver is for registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the Council. It is the highest distinguished service award a local Council’s of the Boy Scouts of America can award.

The 2014 Greater Niagara Frontier Council Siver Beaver Award Winners are: Jason Crosby, Robert Holliday, Ronald Krawczyk, Joseph Lane, James Prowse, Michael Simkins

“Of The Year” Annual Awards: The Council is able to award numerous annual awards based on volunteer service in particular fields of interest.

Scoutmaster of the Year: Brian Ellement
Scouter of the Year: Joel Maul
Cub Scouter of the Year: Ona Strang
Commissioner of the Year: Brad Kimbrough
Youth of the Year: Brandon B., Troop 139
Venturing Leader of the Year: Carl Skompinski
Whitney M. Young JR Service Award: Felton Davis and AT&T
William H. Spurgeon Award: Erie County Sheriff Department

District Award of Merit is for Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. The Districts of the Greater Niagara Frontier Council are the Onondaga District, Polaris District, Red Jacket District and the Buffalo District.
The 2014 District Award of Merit Recipients are:
Polaris District- Daniel Dahlke, Dave Greinert, Stephen Stouter
Onondaga District- Michael Hirsch, Sean Jones, Stephen Toner, David Wind
Red Jacket District- Patty Baumgarten, Gary House, Alan Percy, Sandy Shelvay
Buffalo District- Soyenia Gibson, Phillip Young
Your in Scouting

Mondays meeting

Troop 286

There will be a slight change in the Merit Badges for Monday.
Mr. Dahlke will be finishing First Aid on Apr. 7

Mar. 17 & 24 we will be working on Cycling Merit Badge.

Yours in Scouting

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Troop 286 Scoutmaster wrote:

What a great weekend at 9 mile island at the annual deep fired and iron scout campout.

Mondays Meeting March 17th will be:

Gathering: About Face & Turns – Ken Kuschke
Program: Map & Compass : Finding your way at night and in day – Conner, Zach, Will
MB: First Aid Dan Dahlke & Personnel Mgmr – Mark Oetinger

We will be finalizing our candidates for the Order of the Arrow election next week
Summer Camp deposits are due.

Your in Scouting





mondays meeting

Monday’s Meeting March 10th
Gathering: Compass Triangle Game – Zach
Skills Instruction: Map & Compass – Zach, Will, Conner
MB: First Aid-Dan and Family Life-Mark
Board of Review

Deep Fried/Ironman Campout at 9 Mile Island 3/14 to 16 at 9 mile island. Payment $10 and Permission Slips are due.
There is a Patrol Leaders Council on Wednesday March 12th at 6:30 pm

Yours in Scouting



Camp cards

Camp Cards are here! This is a fairly new and easy fundraising opportunity for our scouts, and a good way to earn some extra money toward summer camp or other scout activities.

In short, the camp cards are a mini coupon booklet (folded, they’re a little bigger than a credit card). The scouts sell them for $5 and earn $2 per book sold. There are buy-one-get-one offers for various retailers and area attractions, including:
-Aquarium of Niagara
-Buffalo Naval & Military Park
-Buffalo Bisons general admission
-Ted’s Hot Dogs
-Dairy Queen
-Pizza Hut

There are also discounts from Dick’s, JoAnn Fabrics, The Children’s Place, and others.

Mrs. Stern in will have the cards available at Troop meetings for those who are interested. As with popcorn, you can return what you don’t sell, and must turn in money for whatever is not returned. The sale will run for about 2 months.



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