
10/23 meeting

Troop 286 Meeting Plan


Committee Meeting

Service Patrol: Pancake Squad

Gathering Activity: Paper Tower Building (Connor G arrive @ 6:45pm)

Opening: Uniform Check Troop Leadership


Merit Badge: Electricity, Mr Sosnowski would like to meet with 5 scouts for ½ hour to get them up to speed.

Skills Instruction: Lashings Tripod and Square (Tyler H, and Cole M)

Closing: Introduction of Troop 286 leadership positions


ILST Information:


Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. Its Sunday October 29th at GNFC HQ. Its most of the day and times to be announced. Cost is $5 for lunch (pizza). Limited to 36 scouts. Register Here

Harkness Center Tour 10/17

Hi everyone, On Tuesday 10/17/17 we have the following.


Ø  I just want to remind all of you of the school tour I have planned for all of the troop as well as your families and friends.

Ø  The tour this time is at, The Harkness Career and Technical Center. 99 Aero Dr. Cheektowaga.

Ø  The tour will begin at 6:30 pm. I have 7 instructors that have volunteered to be there to give you an introduction to their programs. The principals have volunteered to be there also to run the tour and ask questions.

Ø  Shops on the tour include, auto mechanics, electrical shop, aviation with the flight simulators, culinary, cosmetology and many others.

Ø  For those scouts taking the electrical MB, this is a must to attend. When you are in the electrical shop, you will be working with tools, splicing wires and wiring devices. Seeing how a wall is electrically roughed, inside electrical panels and fire alarm components.

Ø  The electrical instructor with be assisting.

Ø  This is a full uniform event. Let’s make a great impression, so I can have us all back on a larger field trip. That will include a tour of Prior Aviation. Which is right next door !!!

Ø  Plan for at least 2 hrs. We will start on time. You can arrive as early as 6:15. Jake and I will be there at 6.

Ø  Please park in the lot to the right of the school and walk to the main entrance. I will meet you all there.


Yours in Scouting

Mike Sosnowski

First Meeting is Sept 11th with new Scoutmaster Dan Dahlke @ new location Blessed Sacrament

Pizza Party

Monday is our pizza party @ 6pm @ Brighton Community Church.  Everyone is welcome, and here is a collection of thoughts:
  • We need to openly discuss the upcoming move to Blessed Sacrament
  • Scouts bring your memories to share from Summer Camp, Jambo, or whatever else you have done this summer so far
  • We have some new scouts, I hope they can come to meet the troop!
  • Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday

Buffalo News Article

Click here for to view a Buffalo News Article on our 6 new Eagle Scout and Mark Oetinger:  http://buffalonews.com/2017/06/27/longtime-scoutmaster-steps-20-years-leader/

Eagle Scout Court of Honor


Court of Honor

You are cordially invited to an

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

For Troop 286’s newest Eagle Scouts:

Joseph Kuschke

John Kuschke

Matthew Sternin

James Dahlke

Joshua Korman

Matthew McGinniss

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

6:30 p.m.

Brighton Community Church

1225 Brighton Road

Tonawanda, NY

Reception following ceremony

Troop 286 PLC to plan next year’s activities

Monday we are having our PLC meeting at Brighton Community to plan our next year’s activities @ 7:00pm.  PLC attendance is requested, and every other scout is welcomed to attend and give input, however their attendance is not mandatory.

Cory P still needs any old latex pain anyone has to offer him for his eagle project.  Please bring paint to meeting

Troop Meeting 6/19/17

Troop 286
Tomorrows meeting is fun night at Brighton Community Church.  Bring your favorite game for inside or outside,  In years past we have played hockey weather permitting in parking lot, and whatever table top games scouts bring inside church.  REMINDER NO UNIFORM!
Scouts come prepared with the following:
  1. Your 2017 popcorn sales goal.
  2. Your ideas for troop 286 2017 big city trip, campout, and out meeting.
  3. latex paint for Corey P’s eagle project.


Troop 286 Meeting Plan 5/8/17

Gathering Activity:  Catch/Jackpot (outside weather permitting)
Skills Instruction:  Tenderfoot – 1st Class (BRING YOUR SCOUTBOOK)
Merit Badge:  Cooking with Mr Dahlke & Mr Sosnowski
  • Service hours opportunity 5/13/17 @ Bornhava Pre-School Spring Clean up,  25 Chateau Terr, Amherst NY 14226, from 8am – Noon (weather permitting).  Mr Dahlke will have a sign up sheet at meeting.
  • 9/29/17
  • STEM Camperall 6/9/17 – 6/11/17 for more information can be found at the following link:
Yours in Scouting

claim jumper cancelled

Jim Mohr is at 9 Mile Island right now and 9 Mile Island is SUBMERGED.  The road is impassible.  Some campsite’s are now ponds and some areas have 2 feet of standing water.   Its supposed to rain the rest of the week, be cold (48 degree high Sat) and rainy (100% on Friday night).  There will be no way for scouts to find dry wood to start a fire to cook or get warm.  There is no way to play the game in ponchos and boots.  If it stopped raining today, 9 mile would not dry out by Saturday
CLAIM JUMPER is CANCELLED for this weekend.  I hope your in agreement with the decision.  We will look for a date in August or September to hold it.
This is widgetised area:
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