Monday’s Troop Meeting 11-1-21
Troop 286 Meeting Plan
Gathering Activity: 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm: Putting Troop gear away that is on the stage (ensuring gear is clean and dry before placing in storeroom)
Opening: 7:15 pm – 7:25 pm:
Patrol Corners: 7:30 pm – 7:45 pm: Making Patrol Flags
Skill Instruction: 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm: Cyber Chip teaching with the Patrol Leaders Council
Closing: 8:15 pm
Important Updates:
· Last day to sign up for the 11/19/21 – 11/21/21 Stonehaven Leanto Campout at a cost of $20. We have 8 signed up in a 12 person Leanto. If needed, we will reserve another Leanto.
· Campout 8 attendees so far: D Dahlke, O & M Shotwell, Q Williams, W Gladysek, E Mee, B Chatham & J Balcom.
· We are collecting back payments from Claimjumper $25.00 and payments for the Leanto Campout $20.00.
· As of this past Thursday no tables were upstairs in our meeting room. I will attempt to investigate this prior to our meeting.
Yours in Scouting,