Posts by moetinger

Troop 286 Meeting Plan, Important Updates and Committee Meeting Plan 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 9/25/23

Troop 286,

Important Updates:

·      New Parents are welcome to sit in on our Committee Meeting to find out how the Troop is managed and run

·      All who attended 25 – Mile campout payment due

·      Sign up for Monster Mayhem Campout $35.00 @ Scout Haven Camp see link below:


·      Sign up for Toronto City Trip 11/10/23 – 11/12/23 tentative cost $ 140.00 per person which includes: Cabin accommodations at Camp Nemo, all meals, Go Train trip into Toronto and back, Pro Hockey Hall of Fame visit, Science Museum visit and one more venue CN Tower or Aquarium.  Dinner at Wayne Gretzky’s Restaurant

Troop 286 Meeting Plan

Committee Meeting Night


Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:  Senior Patrol Leadership led activity.

Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm: 

Forming Troop Patrols and Leadership positions : 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm:

New Patrols gather 8:00 pm – 8:25 pm:

·      Choose Patrol Leader

·      Choose Assistant Patrol Leader

·      Choose Patrol Name

·      Choose Patrol Yell

Closing:  8:25 pm – 8:30 pm

Yours in Scouting,


Troop 286 First Meeting of 2023 – 24 Sept 18th @ 7:00 pm

Welcome Back to scouting!  Our meeting plan for tomorrow is as follows:  

9/18/23: 7::00 pm – 8:30 pm

The following 

1.  Gathering activity (get to know you fellow scouts)

2.  Election of senior patrol leader.

3.  Review of code of conduct 

4.  Details on 25-mile campout coming in email tomorrow before meeting 

Yours in scouting,


Troop 286 2023-2024 Calendar link has been updated

First Troop Meeting for new scout year is Sept 17th

Adirondack Canoe Trip is August 3rd-6th

Meeting Plan for 4/24/23 and Important Updates

Troop 286,

Important Updates:

Troop 286 Meeting Plan

Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:
• 3 in a row
Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm: Claimjumper Introduction
Patrol Corners: 7:30 pm 7:45 pm:  
• Scoutbook and personal scout book advancement
• Advancements
Merit badge: 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm Sustainability with Mr Dahlke
Yours in Scouting,

Earth Day Lincoln Park Arena

Troop 286,

The following are details on this event:

Meet at 9:00am at your selected site.

Tasks may include picking up garbage and debris, weeding gardens, planting flowers, and more!

Dress appropriately for weather: Pants, long sleeves, gloves, and boots encouraged. If you have gardening tools, gloves, and safety glasses, please bring them with you. If not, we will have some materials available for use. 

Refreshments provided (while supplies last).

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Please sign up to give us an idea of how many people to expect at each location. Requests will try to be honored but based on site reservations groups may be needed at other locations. You may need to get yourself to a different part of the path/Town, depending on where you are assigned, so please be prepared with your own transportation.

Date:Sat., 04/22/2023 
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm EDT

Location:Lincoln Arena 1200 Parker Blvd 

1200 Parker Blvd, Buffalo, NY 14223 

Yours in Scouting,


Meeting Plan for 4/17/23 Committee Meeting Night

Important Updates:

·       Summer camp deadline for early bird pricing is here!  Balances must be paid to the Troop by 4/17 or to Beaumont directly by 4/24 to get early bird pricing.

·       Sign up for Claimjumper 5/19/23 – 5/21/23 @ Camp Scouthaven, cost $30.00 for more information click on link below.


·       Sign up for the 5/12/23 Bisons Game and Campout for more information click on link below, the Troop will sign everyone up the link is just information.


Troop 286 Meeting Plan

Committee Meeting Night


Gathering Activity:  7:00 pm – 7:15 pm:

·       Musical Chairs

Opening:  7:15 pm – 7:25 pm: General Opening

Patrol Corners: 7:30 pm 7:45 pm: 

·       Scoutbook and personal scout book advancement in Patrols

Merit badge: 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm First Aid or Sustainability

Scouts not taking Merit Badge will continue advancements

Closing: 8:15 pm

Yours in Scouting,


No sledding campout –  NO SNOW AT CAMP DO NOT BRING SLEDS

Troop 286,

No sledding campout email.  Details and reminders below:


·       This is a fun campout, and we will adjust events to the weather and situation we find ourselves in

·        Lets meet at Blessed Sacrament Church 2/17/23 at 5:00 pm

·       2-hour drive to camp from Tonawanda

·       Eat dinner before arriving at camp or drivers will be stopping for fast food somewhere

·       You do not have to bring a chair.

·       See Cabin Campout packing list within this link


o   Pack as light as possible

·       No Uniforms

·       Cabin has bunks and mattresses


·       Bring your mess kit

·       It will be cold dress accordingly

·        Dahlke, Shotwell and Mayback are driving we will be able to give everyone a ride vehicles as follows

o   Dahlke with Mee and Peters

o   Shotwell with Shotwell, George and Duffy

o   Mayback with Macellino and Voigt

o   Gerbacht arriving at 9:00am Sat

·        We are staying at Camp Cutler in the Winter Cabin

o   Address: 7131 Gulick Rd, Naples, NY 14512

o   Phone: (585) 374-5770

·       Roster is as follows:  11 total

o   Adults: Dahlke, Shotwell and Mayback

o   Scouts: Shotwell, Mee, Duffy, Peters, Gerbracht, George, Voigt, Mascellino,

·       If you have any questions call or text me 868-6191


Yours in Really No Sledding,


Rock Climbing Cancelled for Monday NO MEETING MONDAY


Troop 286,

The rock climbing out meeting scheduled for tomorrow will be cancelled. We did not have enough interest. We will not have a meeting tomorrow either. See everyone on 2/6/23.

Yours in Scouting,

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