Posts by moetinger

Monday’s Meeting 4/22


Mondays Meeting Plan

Pre Meeting: Cards PJ Yarnes

1st Year Scouts: Tenderfoot Requirements

2nd Year Scouts: Lashings: Will Crosby / Paul Orange

Merit Badge: Camping Mark Oetinger


1) Summer Camp payment of $300 due by April 29th. Cost goes up to $325 after that.

2) Camporee at Front Park in Lewiston payment due by April 29th: LEADERS GUIDE

Permission Slip is attached:

3) For those that went to Gettysburg. We where under budget on gas money and each scout/parent will receive a refund to their scout account of $33. You might also want to check out the Harlem Shake
4) There is one opening for the National Jamboree at the Summit in West Virginia July 14th. Cost is $1500. Anyone interested, see Jason or Mark for more info.

Your in scouting


Monday’s 4/15 Meeting


Monday’s 4/15 Meeting will be:

Pre Meeting – Presidential Lineup – Francis Boeck
1st/2nd Year Scouts – Pots & Pans 1st class 4c/4d – Will Crosby
Merit Badge – Camping Liquid Fuels Training – Mark Oetinger
Borad of Review – Jason Crosby & Committee
Reminder Summer Camp Payments are due by 4/29 – $300 scouts and $105 Adults

Monday’s Meeting 4/8


Wow, what a fantastic time in Gettysburg! Weather was great and hiking was fun. All received the Historic Gettysburg Patch set and medal. Weekend was capped off with the harlem shuffle.

Monday’s meeting plan:

Pre Meeting: Card Game – PJ Yarnes

1st & 2nd Year Scouts – constitutional rights and obligations of citizenship (1st class requirement 5) – Dan Boeck (lawyer)

Camping MB – Mark Oetinger

Committee Meeting – Jason Crosby

4/1 No School / No Meeting, Gettysburg and Summer Camp


There is no school on Monday 4/1 and therefor no meeting.


For those going to Gettysburg, meet at the church at 8am morning Thursday 4/4. Remember to wear you Class B Troop Tshirt (red or white one fro popcorn sale). If you have no class B, wear a red t-shirt, For what to bring, look in the Gettsburg Trip Guide.

If anyone has any hand me down hiking boots they no longer need, please reply back to this.

Summer Camp

For those going to summer camp, you can take your swim tests when you get to Camp Schoelkopf or you can pre take them in a pool at one of the following locations.

Tuesday, April 9th 2013 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm North Tonawanda High School 409 Meadow Drive, N. Tonawanda

Tuesday, April 23rd 2013 6:30 pm – 8:30 pmHamburg High School 4111 Legion Drive, Hamburg

Wednesday, May 8th 2013 7:00 pm – 9:00 pmWilliam St. School 5201 William St., Lancaster

Use the below links to review Merit Badges to determine what you want to take and bring to next meeting. Remember, MB signup is first come first serve
•2013 Merit badges > (PDF)
•Merit Badge pre requisites > (PDF)

Tuesdays Out Meeting 3/26 Jefferson Elementary

Troop 286

Tuesday 3/26: The Out Meeting is next next Tuesday 6:30-8:30 at Jefferson Elementary. The gym is being used for something else on Monday. There will be no meetig at church on Monday. Scouts should use door 4 off the big parking lot (Oakvale Blvd.). There will also be a parent information meeting at 7pm for any parent or driver that wants more infomration on the Gettysburg trip.

Saturday 3/23: Good Turn for America. We can still use 1 more scout for the 2-4pm slot at Tops on Maple Road to hand out flyers and collect food. Please let me know if you can help. This counts as service time. Scouts should wear uniform.

10am to 12noon
Korman (2)
Lillis (2)

12 noon to 2pm
Callari (2)
Dibble (2)

2pm to 4pm
Orange (2)

Sunday 3/24: Pack 202 Webelos Crossover at St Amelia’s 5pm. Includes dinner

Mark Oetinger
Eric Brylinski
PJ Schmidt
Francis Boeck

Monday’s Meeting 3/18


Monday’s Meeting 3/18
1.Gathering – Birthday Lineup – Eric Brylinski
2.2nd Year Scouts – Bad campsite – Brandon Parker
3.MB – Camping – Mark Oetinger

Bring Payments for Gettysburg $160 ($110 balance after deposit). Due by end of March

Bring Gettysburg permission slips (attached)

Your in Scouting


Monday’s Meeting 3/4

Monday’s Meeting 3/4

Gathering Activity – Survival – Matt Sternin
Order of the Arrow Overview – Francis Boeck
1st Year Scouts – Tents – Eric Brylinski / Matt McGinniss
Merit Badge – Camping – Mark Oetinger
Committee Meeting – Jason Crosby

Bring Deposits
Gettysburg $50
Summer Camp $50
Deep Fried Campout $10

Next Weekend is the Deep Fried Campout at 9 Mile Island.  Cost is $10.
Scouts are encouraged to bring any foods item they would like to deep
fry,   We are in a cabin but those who wish can stay in tents.  We
will be doing the same service project as last year, clearing brush
along the road. Bring gloves, loppers, clippers if you have them.
Arrive anytime after 6pm.  Uniforms are not  required.  1st year
scouts are encouraged to bring their books as there will be time to
work on outdoor requirements.

Monday’s Meeting 2/4


Monday 2/4 Meeting – We had to make a change in the plan as the presenter was unavailable. The Webelos of Pack 286 will be attending.

Gathering – Rope Maze (Francois Boeck)

1st year scouts – Setting up a tent (PJ Schmit/PJ Yarnes)

MB – Communications (Jason Crosby/Dan Dahlke)

Inter Patrol Activity – B-day lineup (Eric Brylinski)

Bring $10 for no sledding campout and permission slip (attached)

It looks like we will have plenty of snow for the no sledding campout next weekend February 8th to 10th. We will be at Camp Stonehaven in Safari Lodge. This is an hour each way and I recommend car pooling. If you need a ride just let me know and I will send an email to the troop. Be sure to bring a helmet and your sled (Bike Helmet will do)

Happy Scout Sunday & Super Bowl Sunday


Scout Sunday is Feb 3

A reminder that Scout Sunday is this Sunday Feb 3.
Boy Scouts and Cubs should be at Brighton Community Church in uniform at 10am to act as greeters.
Boy Scouts will help collecting offerings.  We will do an opening of the Boy Scout Law and Cub Scout Promise.
If possible all scouts attend.  This is a once a year opportunity for the our troop to interact with the congregation of Brighton Community Church, the church that sponsors us.
It doesn’t matter what your religious preference is.   If you cannot make it to the Birghton Community Church please consider attendiing your own church’s service in scout uniform.

Sleep Out for Hunger – Fri. Feb. 1

The 26th Annual Jerry Starr Sleep out for Hunger will be Friday, Feb. 1 at 8 PM in the Hoover Middle School parking lot and cafeteria.
The purpose of the Sleep out is to help the needy in the Buffalo area by collecting donations of cash, food, clothing and small furniture items.  By the 3rd week in January many food pantry shelves are empty.  Ask your friends and family for an items they no longer need and stop by.
If you can make any donations please stop by Hoover Middle School between 8 and 10 PM.  An Amish quilt is also being raffled off.  100% of all donations are distributed to area organizations.
Also, it is still not too late to sleep out!   If it is very cold they are offering for people to sleep in the cafeteria instead of outdoors.  Stay for the whole sleep out or just an hour, whatever you can do.  Feel free to bring board games and snacks if you are staying.
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