Posts by moetinger

Mondays meeting

The Troop Meeting 12/16 is a Holiday Party. Please bring a snack, sweet or drink to share and any games that you want to play

Yours in Scouting


Mondays meeting

Mondays Meeting 12/9/13

Gathering – Stretcher build and transport – Zach Archibald and Conner Shubert
Skills Instruction – 1st class first aid Zach Archibold, Conner Shubert and Will Crosby
Merit Badge – Citizenship John Schmidt
Committee – Board of Reviews

$105 dues are due. For many of you, your popcorn sales will cover this.
Uniform & Gear xChange – Please bring any uniforms, boots (hiking or winter), camping gear and camping clothing that has been outgrown so that they can be given to our younger scouts

Yours in Scouting


mondays meeting

Mondays Meeting:

Gathering – Hakki Sack – Zach Archibald and Card Games Conner Shubert
Skills Instruction – 2nd class first aid Zach Archibold, Conner Shubert and Will Crosby
Merit Badge – Citizenship John Schmidt
Committee Meeting

Lasertron Payments of $40 are due. If your taking the money from your scout account, please let Maureen Dahlke know

Also a reminder that $105 dues are due. For many of you, your popcorn sales will cover this.

Yours in Scouting


Mondays meeting


Mondays Meeting 11/18/13

Gathering – Steel the Bacon or Football
Skills Instruction – Lashings Will Crosby, Paul Orrange, Ryan Pietrzyk
Merit Badge – Citizenship John Schmidt
Committee – Board of Review

Lasertron Payments of $40 are due. If your taking the money from your scout account, please let Maureen Dahlke know

Also a reminder that $105 dues are due December 1st. For many of you, your popcorn sales will cover this.

Yours in Scouting

mondays meeting 11/4/13


Monday’s Meeting Nov 4th
Gathering: Steal the Bacon – Dan Beiter
Skills Instruction: Lashings – Square, Diagonal, Shear – Will Crosby, Paul Orrange, Ryan & Cory Pietrzyk
Merit Badge – Citizenship – John Schmidt
Committee Meeting – Jason Crosby

Please bring your $70 payment for the Albany Trip and your Permission Slips

Join Troop 286 for a tour of New York State’s Capitol Region, November 9 to 11 (departing Nov 8).

The trip will include a walking tour of downtown Albany to see the New York State government’s buildings, and more. The walking tour will include a stop at the New York State Museum.

The trip will include a hike through the Historic Saratoga Battlefield, where in 1777 one of the pivotal battles of the American Revolution took place and where the leadership of a wounded Benedict Arnold provided the difference for an American victory earning him the title of the Hero of Saratoga.

Finally we will visit Howe Caverns, where we will descend 156 feet below the Earth’s surface into a six million year old cavern, carved by a subterranean river that continues to sculpt the cave today. We can see countless layers of sedimentary limestone, the floor of an ancient sea, and navigate the 500 foot serpentine passage known as the Winding Way, one of the world’s best examples of underground water erosion.

For more information ->

Trip Advisor: Jason Crosby


If your not going on the Capital Region tour, the Kenilworth Volunteer Fire Department is looking volunteers to assist in delivering the Door Handle Hangers on Saturday November 9th at noon

What: Deliver door hangers in neighborhood near the fire department
Where: 84 Hawthorne Avenue Tonawanda NY 14223
When: Saturday, November 9th. Assemble at Noon
Who: Any scout or student who needs to complete community service hour.

The fire dept. funnels the donations to the Brighton Community Church (along with others) so the scouts have the opportunity to help our Charter Organization. Last year after the delivery, the firemen donated pizza and wings for everyone! (maybe we will be lucky again).

Please RSVP to the Kuschke’s as soon as possible so we can give them a count!
Activity Advisor: Ken and Mary Kuschke

Niagara climbing center

Mondays meeting Oct 28th will be an Out Meeting at Niagara Climbing Center at 6:30pm,  Cost is $10,  Payments for the Albany Trip of $70 will also be taken.
From the above, click on Release to fill out online release form or wait till you get there to fill out a paper release.
Yours in Scouting

Capitol tour


Join Troop 286 for a tour of New York State’s Capitol RegionNovember 9 to 11(departing Nov 8).
The trip will include a walking tour of downtown Albany to see the New York State government’s buildings, and more. The walking tour will include a stop at the New York State Museum.
The trip will include a hike through the Historic Saratoga Battlefield, where in 1777 one of the pivotal battles of the American Revolution took place and where the leadership of a wounded Benedict Arnold provided the difference for an American victory earning him the title of the Hero of Saratoga.
Finally we will visit Howe Caverns, where we will descend 156 feet below the Earth’s surface into a six million year old cavern, carved by a subterranean river that continues to sculpt the cave today. We can see countless layers of sedimentary limestone, the floor of an ancient sea, and navigate the 500 foot serpentine passage known as the Winding Way, one of the world’s best examples of underground water erosion.
Yours in Scouting.

— Mark


Troop 286 popcorn return
This Monday, 10/21/13

The following are important points to remember about the popcorn return.

Ø All unsold popcorn must be returned
Ø Be prepared to hand in the entire summary of your popcorn sale on your sales sheets, including:
o Popcorn sold and delivered
o Popcorn you still need for delivery to your customers
o Popcorn needed for chocolate products and sour cream popcorn orders
o Check your sales sheets for accuracy and legibility
o Be sure your scout’s name is on the sheets
o Have your scout’s prize choice(s) filled in on the order sheet
Ø If anyone wants to return popcorn to our house prior to Monday, call us to arrange a time
Ø Once we know the total picture of what has been returned and what popcorn people still need, we’ll distribute what we can from inventory – NO POPCORN will be distributed Monday night, with the possible exception of Cheese Lover’s

Thanks, and see you soon!

Rough rider camporee no meeting on Columbus day

It’s not too late for to sign up fot the Roughrider Camporee (PROGRAM GUIDE)at OppenheimPark October 19-20th. Payment of $20 and Permission Slips  due. Troop 286 is hosting this camporee.

Scouts will require the both normal troop permission slips from the link above and a signed waiver to allow them to participate on the rock wall (see email).  Many have paid but have yet to turn these in.   Adults must only sign the waiver.

Scouts should also dress in period attire.  A cowboy hat and bandana (or troop neckerchief) would be minimum. Scouts should also bring their Boy Scout Uniforms.

Monday’s meeting 10/7

Pre Meeting – Knots – Paul Orrange and Dan Beiter leading
Skills Instruction – Knots – Square/2 Half Hitches/Taut Line Hitch – John Kuschke, Will Crosby and Jimmy Dahlke teaching
Merit Badge – Citizenship – John Schmidt
This is our last meeting before the Roughrider Camporee at Oppenheim Park October 19-20th.  Payment of $20 and Permission Slips are due.  Troop 286 is hosting this camporee and we need help to make it succeed.  We ask parents to help us run the activities on Saturday 9 to 4pm.  You do not have to camp with us but you are welcome to camp if you like.  If you can help for even part of the day Saturday, that would help.  Please let Jason or Mark know.
Monday is also a Troop Committee meeting at 7:30.  All are welcome.

Remember to report your popcorn sales to Mr. Dahlke.

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