Posts by moetinger

canoe trip


See the attached itinerary and map for our canoe trip Thursday, August 21st to Sunday August 24th. Cost is $65 per person with 3 per canoe or $115 per person with 1 per kayak. Scouts must be physically strong enough to carry a canoe from one pond to another .3 of a mile with one other scout. Canoeing merit badge is preferred.

Campsites are limited to 12 campers. Should we go over 12, we will need a 2nd campsite and by park rules it must be at least 1 mile away but the ranger told me they can both be on Follensby Clear Pond.

We were able to secure Schoellkopf canoes which has reduced the price by $10 per person. Thanks to Jason for towing the canoe carrier,

We need to know
1) Aare you going?
2) Your preference, canoe or kayak?
3) Will you be bringing a canoe or kayak?
4) We need to know by the end of the week (August 1st)

Here is who has confirmed going. All want canoes.
Mark Oetinger
Jason Crosby
Will Crosby
Mike Brylinski
Eric Brylinski
Steve Pietrzyk
Kyle Pietrzyk
Ryan Pietrzyk
Cory Pietrzyk
Barb Reardon
Chris Reardon
Paul Orrange
Paul Orrange

Here is who is thinking about it?
Dennis Randall
Jeff Randall
Kevin Steward
Sean Steward
Debbie Krupp
Ben Thurston
Matt McGinniss

Yours in Scouting



Service oppourtunities

Scouts and Scout Parents;

We have 2 service hour opportunities

Excelsior Ortho 7K race – Thursday August 7th from 3:30 pm – 9 pm (or any hours in between but prefer the entire length) to assist with a 7K run being hosted by Excelsior Ortho at the NFTA Boat Launch downtown. Boys are being asked to come help direct runners, keep water cups full and hand out water as well as cleaning up after the racers and any other small duties as assigned.

We are asking for older Scouts (high school age), who may need hours for advancement purposes, to sign up and then will offer the younger scouts as parental presents is being requested for any scout 14 years old or younger. 4-5 Scouts are being requested so it will be given on a First Come, First Serve basis. There will be other high school students also there to assist. Please contact Lisa Gilmartin (835-2444 home, 531-7136 office or 548-3958 cell) for more information if needed and reply to this email with your intention to participate by Monday, August 4th, 2014.

Greg Stang 5K race – Sunday August10th from 5 pm – 9 pm at Bassett Park in Amherst. Scouts are being asked to direct parking, direct runners and help with setup and take down. Greg Stang was the Track Coach at Williamsville North High School. He recently passed away and the race is to raise money to establish a college scholarship for track athletes. Scouts, parents and siblings of any age are welcome.

If you can assist please4 let Mark Oetinger know at 888-0114 or by replying to this email.

As always thank you for any assistance you can offer – it is always appreciated!


Book sale

Troop 286
Brighton Place (Formerly Brighton Library) is holding a book sale July 16thto the 18th at Brighton Arena on Brompton Road.They have asked Troop 286 to help with setup-carrying in books and take down-carrying out books.
Setup is Monday July 14th and Tuesday July 15th from 9am to 3pm
Take down is Saturday July 19th from 12 noon to 3pm
Scouts, you are on summer vacation.What better opportunity to get off the couch and stop video gaming for a while.Community service is a part of scouting.Please email and let me know which days and times you can assist.
Here is who has signed up so far:
Monday – Bring a bag lunch and drinks
Linda Sternin (Adult)
Matt Sernin
Zach Archibald
Cameron Williams
Tuesday- Bring a bag lunch and drinks
Les Popp (Adult)
Cameron Williams
Mark Oetinger (Adult)
Andy Hall
Chris Reardon
Yours in Scouting


Lost and found

Summer Camp Lost & Found

Wow, what a fun and successful summer camp! Wonderful weather, no one hurt, only 2 minor sickness’s, 87 Merit Badges completed for 26 scouts. The “Banana Splits” were the top act at the air band composition with their rendition of the “Tra La La” song. Ben Thurston on lead vocals, Matt Sternin lead guitar, Will Crosby on base, Trevor Jones on drums and Phillip Callari, Lucas Hicks and Connor Gilmartin in the chorus.

Here is our lost and found items. Let me know if these are yours.

Soft sided cooler – Hart Hotels
Yellow BSA Flashlight
Gray AND1 B-ball tshirt
Dark blue poncho
Columbia red & gray jacket XXL


Post #2
Brighton Place Book Sale

Brighton Place (Formerly Brighton Library) is holding a book sale July 16thto the 18th at Brighton Arena on Brompton Road.They have asked Troop 286 to help with setup-carrying in books and take down-carrying out books.

Setup is Monday July 14th and Tuesday July 15th from 9am to 3pm

Take down is Saturday July 19th from 12 noon to 3pm

Scouts, you are on summer vacation.What better opportunity to get off the couch and stop video gaming for a while.Community service is a part of scouting.Please email and let me know which days and times you can assist.

Here is who has signed up so far:
Monday – Bring a bag lunch and drinks
Linda Sternin (Adult)
Matt Sternin
Zach Archibald
Cameron Williams
Tuesday- Bring a bag lunch and drinks
Les Popp (Adult)
Cameron Williams
Mark Oetinger (Adult)
Andy Hall
Chris Reardon

Yours in Scouting

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Niagara Falls



———-Original Message———-

From: Stuart Schnettler
Date: Jun 25, 2014 3:02:48 PM
Subject: Niagara Falls Preparedness Program Details
To: Mark Gerlach>
Cc: “Shawn Nickerson (”>, “Mike Hughes (” <>

Polaris Families,


This is something you can participate in that would be good for your Scouts and families to attend to learn more about what to do in case of emergencies.





Stuart Schnettler |District Director – Polaris

Greater Niagara Frontier Council

2860 Genesee Street
Buffalo, NY 14225
O 716.891.4073 | F 716.891.4008 | D 716.512.6215


Polaris District, serving the youth of North Buffalo, Grand Island, Kenmore, Lewiston, Town of Niagara, Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, City & Town of Tonawanda, Wheatfield, Youngstown

Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator George Maziarz, Assemblyman John D. Ceretto and Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster invite you to participate in the WNY Region Citizen Preparedness Corps Training Program that will be held on:


10:30 AM
The Conference & Event Center
Niagara Falls
101 Old Falls Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14303

The program seeks to provide citizens with the tools and resources to prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond accordingly, and recover as quickly as possible to pre-disaster conditions.

Each family that attends will receive a NYS Disaster Preparedness Kit that contains key items to assist individuals in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The state training and kits will help New Yorkers be the most-trained and best-prepared citizens in the country.

To register for the training, please go to:

Also, attached is an invite for your reference. Please feel free to forward this to your lists.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.


Sam Hoyt
Regional President
Empire State Development
95 Perry Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 846 8250

Geraldine Ford, MBA
WNY Regional Representative
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo




In case your interested



Mondays meeting


Sunday 7pm at the church will be a Eagel Ceremony for Sam Battistella, Brandon Parker, Justin Dibble and Elijah Congi. Scouts and families are welcome.

Monday 7pm will be our last meeting before summer. We will be playing baseball and Kenmore East School. The baseball diamond is on Eggert Road. Bring gloves, bats and balls



Last weeks of the scout year

Mondays Meeting will be the last formal meeting of the year as the meeting on June 23rd is a fun night.

We will be doing some preparations for summer camp and answering any questions you have. We will also be finishing off scout requirements in progress

1) Bring any summer camp forms you have: Physicals, Permission to Shoot, Over the Counter Med Forms
2) The is an Eagle Scout Ceremony for 4 scouts on Sunday June 22nd at 7pm. Scouts and there families are welcome.
3) PLC is Wednesday at 6:30. We will be planning next years calendar and the August canoe trip.

What a GREAT Claimjumper. Prefect weather and everyone had fun! Lost and found list out .
Blue plastic coffee cup with GSI Mug / Tasse on it
Green boy scout hat – new era
Red scout neckerchief with white bsa logo
Fleece – zip up red, gray black – Columbia
Under armor – black shirt
Aeroposotale 1978 t-shirt
Yours in Scouting


Claim jumper

Some reminders for the Claim Jumper Campout this weekend

Arrival is 6pm or after. I plan to be there by 5:30pm. Eat dinner before you come.
Parents, check in with a T286 leader before you leave camp.
Bring your permission slip if you have not turned one in Permission Slips
No driving on the field to drop gear in a campsite. It is muddy. Must park in parking lot and carry personnel and patrol gear to campsite.
Mosquitoes are fierce and swarming. Bring Bug Spray and sunscreen.
Bring boots. With the rain in forecast this week, there will be standing water on trails and road.
Some sites are not mowed which means there may be 2 feet of grass. Patrol Leaders be prepared on the site you pick.
No uniforms
A camp chair is a nice to have around the campfire.

Location is 9 Mile Island (Happy Land Day Camp) near Amherst Museum just off Tonawanda Creek Road: 9 Orbit Dr, Amherst, NY,+Amherst,+NY&hl=en&sll=42.746632,-75.770041&sspn=4.921195,11.634521&oq=9&hnear=9+Orbit+Dr,+Amherst,+Erie,+New+York+14228&t=m&z=16

Yours in Scouting


Mondays meeting

Tomorrow’s meeting is for planning the claimjumper. Patrols will stratigize and pull their patrol gear. Patrol leaders will take their patrol gear home with them that night and be responsible for getting it to camp and home after the Claimjumper. Gear will be returned to the troop cleaned at the next meeting.

Please bring $20 and permission slip to this meeting if you have not already turned them in.
Will Crosby is planning a scouts own service for Saturdays camfire. Please bring any readings, poems or songs with the theme friendship and sportsmanship.
The patrols were picked by the patrol leaders with careful consideration of age, experience and who they work well with. Example, 2 of the Dywans are new and have never played the game. They are in separate patrols. Changes can be made but only by the patrol leaders at or before the meeting on Monday
Fox Patrol
Matt McGinniss – PL
Zach Archibald
John Dywan
Tyler Hamblen
Joe Kuschke
John Kuschke
Tyler LaPorta
Jeff Randle
Conner Gillmartin
TTCKA Patrol
Eric Brylinski – PL
Conner Shubert
Nathan Whalen
Cory Pietrzyk
Kellen Adamek
Cammeron Williams
Jordan Dywan
Paul Orrange
Trevor Jones
No Name Patrol
Will Crosby – PL
Josh Korman
Colin Archibald
Jimmy Dahlke
Matt Sternin
Mike McGinniss
Jared Dywan
Ben Thurston
Dana Whalen
Yours in Scouting


Claim jumper


Next weeks meeting will be focused on planning for claimjumper. Patrols will stratigize and pull their patrol gear. Patrol leaders will take their patrol gear home with them that night and be responsible for getting it to camp and home after the Claimjumper. Gear will be returned to the troop cleaned at the next meeting. Please bring $20 and permission slip to this meeting if you have not already turned them in.

The patrols were picked by the patrol leaders with careful consideration of age, experience and who they work well with. Example, 2 of the Dywans are new and have never played the game. They are in separate patrols. Changes can be made but only by the patrol leaders at or before the meeting on Monday

Fox Patrol
Matt Mcginniss – PL
Zach Archibald
John Dywan
Tyler Hamblen
Joe Kuschke
John Kuschke
Tyler LaPorta
Jeff Randle
Conner Gillmartin

TTCKA Patrol
Eric Brylinski – PL
Conner Shubert
Nathan Whalen
Cory Pietrzyk
Chris Reardon
Cammeron Williams
Jordan Dywan
Paul Orrange
Trevor Jones

No Name Patrol
Will Crosby – PL
Josh Korman
Colin Archibald
Jimmy Dahlke
Matt Sternin
Mike McGinniss
Jared Dywan
Ben Thurston
Dana Whalen

Yours in Scouting


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