Posts by moetinger



Monday’s Meeting October 27th
Gathering – A proper Opening – Zach
Patrol Meeting – Patrol Flag and Yell
Skills – What are knots used for? John K, Joe K, Will
Merit Badge – Communications – Jason
Board of Reviews
ILST – Dry run for those presenting.

Bring your unsold popcorn and and your popcorn order forms

Yours in scouting




This weekend is the Doomsday Survivor Camporee. We will be camping at Gratwick Park in tents.

Gratwick Park, North Tonawanda

Program Guide

Arrive after dinner anytime after 5:30 pm. Try to get their before dark to setup your tent
Bring your own tent or use the troops tents
Bring uniform
If anyone has any ideas or decorations for our Gateway along the Doomsday Survivor theme bring them
Bring a day pack
Day Pack
neckerchief (for blindfold)
water bottle
rain gear
sun block
personnel first aid kit (bandages and alcohol prep pad ok)
Camera or phone (optional)
compass (optional)




Monday’s Meeting October 20th
Gathering – Steal the Bacon – Mike M
Patrol Meeting – Menu planning for camporee and advancements
Skills – Lashings – Will & Zach
Merit Badge – Family Life – Mark
Committee Meeting

Bring $22 and Permission Slips for Camporee
Bring your unsold popcorn and and your popcorn order forms

Yours in scouting


Joes eagle project


Joseph Kuschke is looking for help with his Eagle Scout Project of removing bushes at Kenilworth UCC located at 45 Dalton Drive. Saturday, October 11th from 10 until 12. Please let me know if you are able to help by calling or email

John Kuschke is also looking for help with his Eagle Scout Project of renovating Kenilworth UCC’s attic storage space. Monday, October 13th from 10 until 2. Please let me know if you are able to help by calling or email
Thank you.

Joseph and John Kuschke
(716) 836-8972




Monday Oct 13th out meeting is Bowling from 7-9pm at Tonawanda Lanes. Cost is $12 including pizza/pop/shoes. Whole family is invited. Scouts $12 will be paid for by the troop. Uniforms should not be be worn. Payment must be cash or check, no credit/debit cards.

Your in Scouting


Popcorn update


Good Afternoon all:
i apologize and wanted to resend out sales totals for Galleria Mall and Gander Mountain for those that may have missed it:

Galleria had a sales total of $47.80 that needs to be added to each scouts sales who were there to sell. 3 lines can also be marked down on their sheet for Fill a Sheet prizes.

Gander Mountain was a HUGE success. I am thinking planning a show and sell that late in the year got some repeat sales since some folks said that they ran out of stuff they purchased earlier! Also with hunting season coming up shortly the store was busy with folks getting licenses. Our gain! Total was 5 lines to mark and each boy received $84.10! Whoot Whoot! Nice job!

ALL UNSOLD POPCORN MUST BE TURNED IN BY MONDAY OCTOBER 20 at the meeting that evening. We WILL be at the Monday bowling out meeting and we will have receipts to issue for anyone that wishes to return popcorn that night. Please let me know if you will be doing a return before that evening so we know what to expect and from whom. Please return any UNSOLD popcorn in its original box as this helps us to repack and return complete cases.

We will NOT be taking ANY CASH or CHECKS as popcorn payment that evening at bowling. I do not want Maureen to have any large amounts of money during that outing as it is unsafe to carry. Payments in full ARE NOT due 10-20, just the unsold popcorn. You can keep on selling through November so if there is family, friends or neighbors that want to get more or place an order, by all means, please take it! Final Payment date will be sent out in a separate email. I believe it will be sometime the end of November but will send that out as soon as that date is confirmed.

November 1, we are turning in ALL complete cases of unsold popcorn. So on 10-20 when you turn in unsold, PLEASE come prepared with a list of items you NEED. We will do turn in of popcorn first, then we can re-distribute what is needed later that evening once we have returns documented. This way, if anyone needs anything they ran out of, and some gets returned, you can take it with you that night on 10-13 from the family bowling night.

A special Congratulations to PACK 286 for winning Scout Shop Gift Cards for turning in early payments. Troop 286 turned in early payments too but we were not a winner THIS TIME….Next year!!

As a reminder, get in the drawing for Week 6 by sending copies in by mail to 2860 Genesee St. Buffalo, NY 14225, emailing the copy to or or faxing to 716-891-4008. You can also drop off hard copies to headquarters. All entries for the week must be entered by Monday morning at 10 am. Always include the Scouts name, unit type, unit number and phone number in case he wins. It saves us a lot of time. There should only be one Scout’s name on the sheet; even if scouts are selling together there can only be one winner.

Remember, if a Filled Sheet is not drawn as a winner, it stays in the drawing each week. Scouts can also earn an additional drawing entry for every additional Fill A Sheet turned in. Thus if a Scout fills a sheet week 1, he now has 8 chances to win, and they have some really amazing prizes.

$2,500 Scholarship
For those Scouts who sell at least $2,500 they are eligible to receive a bonus 6% commission on their sale into a College Scholarship money market account which will grow with interest until he is 18 years old. Once a Scout sells $2,500 the first time, no matter his future sales he will always be eligible to get an extra 6% into his scholarship account. Each year, the family must use Trail’s Ends reporting form to register their sales. The form can be found at—funded-by-trail’s-end and you only have one calendar year from the fall sale to turn in the form. Turn it in as soon as possible to earn interest and it must first come to the Council office to be signed. The Council will then send the form in to Trails End.

Thank you for a great job so far! Keep up the good work….stay warm and go sell. With the Sabres on tonigth who knows – someone may need a SNACK!!

I also wanted to note: I have a dumb phone, not a Smart Phone so I have to read emails the old fashioned way. Best way to get a hold of us, after work hours is calling home 835 2444 or text or call my cell, 548 3958.

Your Popcorn Lady

zoar valley 26th – 28th


troop meeting

family life


Good Morning All!
A few reminders for tonight’s meeting:
1) We will gladly accept partial payment, especially checks, from anyone that sold.  Please come in with your payments and you will be provided a receipt.
2) We have an APB for White Cheddar….anyone that had taken an order for personally selling and has product that is NOT moving, you can bring that in this evening and you will be provided a receipt for Turn In.  White Cheddar is taking a huge upswing in sales for the Troop and if anyone has any left over bags/cases that are not moving, we have a couple of families that are in need.  The Troop stock is also OUT of Kettle Corn and we have some families that are requesting stock for personal sales as well.
3) If anyone needs to have any additional Carmel Corn, Popping Corn, Unbelievable Butter, Butter Light Microwave or Carmel Corn with Nuts, please reply back before 4 pm today and we can provide additional supply.
4) Please make sure you are faxing in the filled sheets to Council so the boys can win a great prize. Drawing started last week. Troop 286 had no winners this first week but I am sure we will get some! Fax number can be found on the front page of the GNFC website, at the very bottom of the page. Fax (716) 891-4008
As always, would LOVE to hear how the boys are doing with this sale!  We have a BIG GOAL and I know, together as a team, we can get there.
See you all soon!
Lisa G
Cell      716 548 3958
office direct 716 531 7136

Pizza party


There will be a Pizza Party & Awards Ceremony Monday Aug 4th at 6pm at the church. We will be presenting awards at 6pm and then the pizza at 7pm

Awards from June Meetings, Summer Camp and Philmont (if Crew makes it back)
2014-2015 Calendar revealed – Which BIG city will we be going to……..
Canoe Trip Information and packing instructions

Yours in scouting


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