Posts by moetinger

Washington trip


This months Out Meeting is Tuesday March 31st from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Niagara Climbing Center. Cost is $10. There is no meeting Monday March 30th.

Niagara Climbing Center

1333 Strad Avenue

North Tonawanda, NY 14120


The Washington Trip itinerary in finalized and attached. There will be a short parent/scout meeting on Monday April 6th at 7pm at the church. Please bring any payments, permission slips and medical forms on that night. For those needing Activity Uniforms (Class B t-shirts) they will be available that night.

We have our 8 drivers. If anyone of you does not want to drive, we can get by with 7 drivers and save $175.

Abramo – 5

Crosby – 6

Dahlke – 6

Gilmartin – 6

Marcotte – 4

Pietrzyk – 4

Popp -5

Sternin – 4

Officially physical forms are required for all scouts/adults on trips over 72 hours. We are at 82 hours. I have physical forms for every scout/adult that went to summer camp last year. For those that did not go to summer camp, I ask you to fill out the physical form but do not go to your physician for a signature.

Medical Form

Permission Slips

Note – Due to the early White House tour at 7:30am on Friday April 10th, we must wake up 5am and leave camp at 5:30am. Sorry Jason, no coffee till we get to metro rail station

Yours in scouting




Troop Meeting March 23

Personnel Safety Month

Service Patrol is Dragon

Gathering: Powerball – Connor

Patrol Meeting – none

OA Election –where your OA sash if you’re a member

Skills: Matt M, Ben, Paul

Summer Camp MB signup – Ken/Mark

MB: ePrep – Dan


1- Washington deposit $70 Permission Slips

2 – Summer Camp deposit $25 Permission Slips

Yours in Scouting





Troop Meeting March 16th

Personnel Safety Month

Service Patrol is Dragon


Rock, Paper Scissors – Connor

Thumb Wrestling – Tyler

Air Wrestling – Joe

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: The 3Rs pf Personnel Safety (2nd class 9b) – Tyler/Josh/Cory

Summer Camp MB signup – Ken/Mark

MB: Camping – Rob, Brandon

Committee – Board of Review


0- There is a PLC this Wed 3/18 t the church at 6:30pm

1- Deep Fried Campout March 20-22nd at Allegany – payment $10 scouts/$15 family members. Permission Slips

2- Washington deposit $70 Permission Slips

3- Summer Camp deposit $25 Permission Slips

4 – Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

Yours in Scouting



Troop meeting


Troop Meeting March 9th

Personnel Safety Month

Service Patrol is Dragon


Rock, Paper Scissors – Connor

Thumb Wrestling – Tyler

Air Wrestling – Joe

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: Leave No Trace (SC2) Chirs Readon and Jeff Randall

Summer Camp MB signup – Rob/Ken/Mark

MB: Camping – Rob, Brandon

Committee Meeting


1- Deep Fried Campout March 20-22nd at Allegany – payment $10 scouts/$15 family members. Permission Slips

2- Washington deposit $70 Permission Slips

3- Summer Camp deposit $25 Permission Slips

4 – Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

Yours in Scouting



Meeting march 2 nd


Troop Meeting March

Personnel Safety Month

Service Patrol is Dragon

Gathering: Finger Jousting – Zach Archibold

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: Cyber Safety FC11 – Jim Dahlke

MB: Camping – Rob, Brandon


1- Deep Fried Campout March 20-22nd at Allegany – payment $10 scouts/$15 family members. Permission Slips

2- Washington deposit $70 Permission Slips

3- Summer Camp deposit $25 Permission Slips

4 – Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

Yours in Scouting



Holiday valley

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is keeping warm. It’s that time of year again, we are going to Scouting Days at Holiday Valley Ski resort on Sunday, March 8th 2015, arriving at 9:30 am. I will have a signup sheet at the re-chartering dinner. Information and pricing is as follows:

Ø Open to all scouts & their families

Ø Skiing or Snowboarding

Ø Pricing

o 8 hrs Lift ticket only $30

o 8 hrs Lift ticket and lesson $34

o 8 hrs Lift ticket, lesson, and rental $44


Ø Timing

o Sunday, March 8th
o We need to arrive at holiday valley at 9:30am
Ø There is a plan for people to bring a dish to share.

This is a great opportunity to learn how to ski at a great resort at 1/3 the price. Hope to see you on the slopes.

Mr Dahlke


Recharter dinner


The Charter Dinner is Monday, February 23rd at 6pm at Brighton Community Church. The troop provides the roast beef and you bring a dish to pass. Each scout will be recognized for his achievements and the activities he attended the past year.

Service Patrol for setup: Fox/Dragons/Nameless – arrive at 5pm if possible
Service Patrol for cleanup: Platypi/Mongoose

1) Washington deposit of $70
2) Summer Camp deposit of $25

Families whose last name begin with A-M should bring a casserole and those beginning with N-Z a desert. Based an signups below we have enough deserts so if a family wants to switch to casserole its ok. Also 5 families said “salad”. If some of you can bring macaroni or tuna salad, that would be great. Please let me know if there are any changes. If others are not on the list are attending, please let me know so we can get an approximate count.

McGinniss – 6 Chef Salad/Brownies
Gilmartin – 6 Broccoli Casserole/Salad
Reardon – 3 cookies
Dahlke – 3 meatballs
Thurston – 3 dessert
Jones – 2 dessert
Korman – 3 dessert
Orrange – 5 potatoes
Callari – 3 or 4 cup cakes / potato salad
Abramo – 4 dessert
Marcotte – 2 mac & cheese
Sternin – 2-3 brownies or cookies
Hamblen – 4 salad
LaPorta – 4
Hicks – 4
Schmidt – 3 salad
Parker – 2 Brandon’s surprise!
Kuschke – 5 dessert
Brylinski – 1
Oetinger – 1
Dywan – 5 salad
Archibald 3-4
Shubert – 3 casserole
Crosby – 4

Yours in Scouting


Dc trip


Our tours are starting to firm up. Our Capital tour is set for 10:10 am on Friday. Still waiting for confirmation on White House, Supreme Court, Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the Kennedy Center. Michelle Pop is looking for a mom(s) to share a hotel room near where we are camping. Michelle’s email is if you want to reach out to her directly.



Please pass along to moms going on DC trip. I am interested in sharing a room with several moms. The prices aren’t too bad. Let me know as soon as possible who would be interested in rooming with me.


Michelle M Popp


Charter dinner


The Charter Dinner is Monday, February 23rd at 6pm at Brighton Community Church. The troop provides the roast beef and you bring a dish to pass. Each scout will be recognized for his achievements and the activities he attended the past year.

Service Patrol for setup: Fox/Dragons/Nameless – arrive at 5pm if possible
Service Patrol for cleanup: Platypi/Mongoose

1) Washington deposit of $70
2) Summer Camp deposit of $25

Families whose last name begin with A-M should bring a casserole and those beginning with N-Z a desert. Based an signups below we have enough deserts so if a family wants to switch to casserole its ok. Also 5 families said “salad”. If some of you can bring macaroni or tuna salad, that would be great. Please let me know if there are any changes. If others are not on the list are attending, please let me know so we can get an approximate count.

McGinniss – 6 Chef Salad/Brownies
Gilmartin – 6 Broccoli Casserole/Salad
Reardon – 3 cookies
Dahlke – 3 meatballs
Thurston – 3 dessert
Jones – 2 dessert
Korman – 3 dessert
Orrange – 5 potatoes
Callari – 3 or 4 cup cakes / potato salad
Abramo – 4 dessert
Marcotte – 2 mac & cheese
Sternin – 2-3 brownies or cookies
Hamblen – 4 salad
LaPorta – 4
Hicks – 4
Schmidt – 3 salad
Parker – 2 Brandon’s surprise!
Kuschke – 5 dessert
Brylinski – 1
Oetinger – 1
Dywan – 5 salad
Archibald 3-4
Shubert – 3 casserole
Crosby – 4

Yours in Scouting




Troop Meeting January 26th

January is First Aid Month

Service Patrol is Mongoose

Gathering: Team First Aid Scenario – Zach

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: 7a Hurry Cases and 7b Make First Aid Kit – Zach, Will

MB: Camping – Mark, Rob, Brandon


1- Antarctica Exploration Klondike camporee is Jan 30th to Feb 1st at Camp Stonehaven’s Niagara cabin. Cost is $22. You can still register. Permission Slips

2-Adirondack Snowshoe Trip and Lake Placid visit signup is now open. Climbing a 4000 foot mountain in snowshoes is physically challenging. The trip is limited to 12 people 14 years and older. 13 year olds will be considered if we do not fill all 12 spots. Cost will be about $135. There will be a short meeting after our troop meeting Jan 26th at 8:30pm for those interested

3-Sam Valvo’s (from T229) Eagle project is Sunday Jan 25th (tomorrow) at 9 mile island from 10am to 4pm. This is where we hold the Claimjumper. We will be painting the inside of the main cabin so where paint cloths. Please let me know if you plan to attend

4- We have 1 spot left for our Sea Base trip to the Florida Keys in August. Cost will be about $1200.

5 – Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

Yours in Scouting




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