Posts by moetinger

Dc trip


Our tours are starting to firm up. Our Capital tour is set for 10:10 am on Friday. Still waiting for confirmation on White House, Supreme Court, Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the Kennedy Center. Michelle Pop is looking for a mom(s) to share a hotel room near where we are camping. Michelle’s email is if you want to reach out to her directly.



Please pass along to moms going on DC trip. I am interested in sharing a room with several moms. The prices aren’t too bad. Let me know as soon as possible who would be interested in rooming with me.


Michelle M Popp


Charter dinner


The Charter Dinner is Monday, February 23rd at 6pm at Brighton Community Church. The troop provides the roast beef and you bring a dish to pass. Each scout will be recognized for his achievements and the activities he attended the past year.

Service Patrol for setup: Fox/Dragons/Nameless – arrive at 5pm if possible
Service Patrol for cleanup: Platypi/Mongoose

1) Washington deposit of $70
2) Summer Camp deposit of $25

Families whose last name begin with A-M should bring a casserole and those beginning with N-Z a desert. Based an signups below we have enough deserts so if a family wants to switch to casserole its ok. Also 5 families said “salad”. If some of you can bring macaroni or tuna salad, that would be great. Please let me know if there are any changes. If others are not on the list are attending, please let me know so we can get an approximate count.

McGinniss – 6 Chef Salad/Brownies
Gilmartin – 6 Broccoli Casserole/Salad
Reardon – 3 cookies
Dahlke – 3 meatballs
Thurston – 3 dessert
Jones – 2 dessert
Korman – 3 dessert
Orrange – 5 potatoes
Callari – 3 or 4 cup cakes / potato salad
Abramo – 4 dessert
Marcotte – 2 mac & cheese
Sternin – 2-3 brownies or cookies
Hamblen – 4 salad
LaPorta – 4
Hicks – 4
Schmidt – 3 salad
Parker – 2 Brandon’s surprise!
Kuschke – 5 dessert
Brylinski – 1
Oetinger – 1
Dywan – 5 salad
Archibald 3-4
Shubert – 3 casserole
Crosby – 4

Yours in Scouting




Troop Meeting January 26th

January is First Aid Month

Service Patrol is Mongoose

Gathering: Team First Aid Scenario – Zach

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: 7a Hurry Cases and 7b Make First Aid Kit – Zach, Will

MB: Camping – Mark, Rob, Brandon


1- Antarctica Exploration Klondike camporee is Jan 30th to Feb 1st at Camp Stonehaven’s Niagara cabin. Cost is $22. You can still register. Permission Slips

2-Adirondack Snowshoe Trip and Lake Placid visit signup is now open. Climbing a 4000 foot mountain in snowshoes is physically challenging. The trip is limited to 12 people 14 years and older. 13 year olds will be considered if we do not fill all 12 spots. Cost will be about $135. There will be a short meeting after our troop meeting Jan 26th at 8:30pm for those interested

3-Sam Valvo’s (from T229) Eagle project is Sunday Jan 25th (tomorrow) at 9 mile island from 10am to 4pm. This is where we hold the Claimjumper. We will be painting the inside of the main cabin so where paint cloths. Please let me know if you plan to attend

4- We have 1 spot left for our Sea Base trip to the Florida Keys in August. Cost will be about $1200.

5 – Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

Yours in Scouting






Troop Meeting January 5th

January is First Aid Month

Service Patrol is Mongoose

Gathering: First Aid Mum Ball – Mike & Zach

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: 2nd Class First Aid – Zach, Tyler, Josh

MB: Personnel Management – Mark


1-Bring your popcorn money.

2-Dues of $110 need to be paid. Add $12 for Boys Life magazine for those that choose it.

3-Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

4-No Sledding Campout is $10 and is at Scouthaven Jan 9-11th. Permission Slips

Yours in Scouting





Troop Meeting December 15th

December is Cold Weather Training Month

Service Patrol is Nameless

Gathering: Tug a Knot – Tyler

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: How to Pack A Pack – Mark

MB: Communications – Jason

Board of Review – Committee


1-Bring your popcorn money to meeting even if you do not have all of it.

2-Dues of $110 need to be paid. Add $12 for Boys Life magazine for those that choose it.

3-Candy Bar Sale-sell a box of candy bars and 100% of the profit goes in your scout account. See the flyer on the table

4- Next campout is No Sledding Campout at Scouthaven Jan 9-11th. Permission Slips

Yours in Scouting




Troop Meeting December 1st

December is Cold Weather Training Month

Service Patrol is Nameless

Gathering: Hacky Sack – Mike

Patrol Meeting: Advancement

Skills: Cyberchip – Jimmy

MB: Personal Management – Mark


1-Lasertron payment $40

Yours in Scouting





The Kennelworth VFD has postphoned the delivery date of FOOD DRIVE flyers from this Saturday 22nd to next Saturday 29th starting at 9am at the firehall. Ken Kuschke, ASM Troop 286

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Troop 286 <>
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:46 PM
Subject: Kenilworth Food Drive
A reminder to anyone seeking community service hours to fulfill requirements for scouting or school, the Kennelworth VFD is seeking help delivering flyers for their 4th Annual Food Drive. They need volunteers to deliver the flyers, and the firemen will pick up and receive the donations which benefit the food pantries at both the Blessed Sacrament Church and Brighton Community Church in the Town of Tonawanda.

The extended weather forecast shows partly cloudy with temperatures in the low 30’s for next Saturday , November 22nd.

The drive begins at 9am, Saturday Nov.22nd at the firehall ( 84 Hawthorne Ave., Tonawanda, 14223 ) where the routes/streets are assigned and flyers distributed.

If interested and need more information, just respond to the e-mail and the Kuschkes will answer.

Yours in Scouting,

Ken Kuschke, ASM Troop 286



Popcorn pickup

We have contacted Council and have been informed that Trails End has shipped and still is on its way. With the weather being so bad and the thruways still closed, there is a chance that the deliveries may be delayed. We will know more tomorrow. With that said, we are just going to wait to see if our stock comes in for pick up in Niagara Falls. I was told emails would go out tomorrow to confirm yes or no and I will advise immediately.

Another additional note: White Cheddar will NOT be coming in with this pick up order. All White Cheddar will be delivered at a later date directly to our home due to a production delay. We should have that date when we pick up the Take order this Friday and we will send out a message when that will be in stock. Sorry for the delay on that one folks.

More to come…stand by.



Troop Meeting November 17th

November is Knots and Lashing Month

Service Patrol is Platypus

Patrol Meeting: Flags & Yell

Gathering: Mum Knot Tying – Mike

Skills: Knots & Lashing – Zach, Will, John K, Ben

MB: Communication – Jason


1-Lasertron payment $40

2-For those doing communications MB, be prepared with either (requirement 3) 5 minute speech or (requirement 4) Introduction of Someone.

Yours in Scouting




Troop Meeting November 3rd

November is Knots and Lashing Month

Service Patrol is Platypus

Gathering: Hacky Sack – Mike

Skills: Lashing 2 poles together to pick up bucket

MB: Personnel Management – Mark or Communication – Jason


1. Bring Toronto payment $125 and Permission Slips. T

2. There will be a short meeting for those attending the Toronto campout after the normal meeting.



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