Troop Meeting January 11th
Service Patrol is Eagles
Gathering: Cold Weather Trivia – John A and Jordan D
Patrol Meeting: Flags and Advancement
Skills Instruction: 2nd Class First Aid – Josh K and Chris R
MB: Cooking – John S
Committee Meeting – Mike B
1- Klondike Derby “Who did it” is Jan 29th to 31st. at Camp Stonehaven. Cost is $25. Here is the Link to Program Guide>
2-The Out Meeting scheduled for Jan 18th at Tonawanda Bowling Lanes has been moved to Jan 25th due to lane availability. Time is 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost is $12.95 and includes 2 hours of bowling, shoes, pizza and pop. Families are welcome. Sign up on front table.
3-Jan 18th MLK Day will be a normal meeting.
4-The Webelos need to speak to a First Responder to complete their badge. If anyone is an EMT, works with paramedics or ambulances or is in an ER, please let me know.
5-The troop is in need of a new electric 12 cup coffee pot. If you have an old one, please bring it to the meeting and make a tax deductible donation. The current coffee pot met its unfortunate demise and was buried at the Scouthaven dumpster this past weekend. Remember, scout leaders run on coffee and your son’s safety may depend on adequate coffee intake.
Yours In Scouting